January 03, 2014

today we have been doing lots of tourist stuff. we ate bratwurst at Alexanderplatz and took photos of the Fernsehturmat first, all the people lined up outside this sci-fi looking tower built in the sixties, almost scared us off. the  queue was endless. luckily it was also possible to buy the entrance tickets quite fast, and then get a sms notice 30 minutes prior to our climb, which allowed us to wait for our turn from somewhere else. we chose to do it from Aquadom (which compared to other aquariums we have visited really wasn't that much fun). but when we finally got to see berlin from 200 meters hight we found it was worth it. what an amazing city this is. we're so happy to stay here for a while. 

this afternoon i managed to drop my beloved camera on the ground, and broke the only lens i brought with me. i have to buy this camera strop as soon as possible! 

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